Thank You for Family

I love getting time to spend with my nephew and niece. I have started to wear my really old converse, because I know that whatever happens, I’ll need some shoes that can get a little muddy. I get to run, jump, build, carry, pretend, and a myriad of other things and it always fills me with joy. I love family, I’m so thankful for the family that is around me each day, both biological and relational. The moments where I get to spend time with people I care about the most, reminds me of how God has blessed me and puts the right people alongside of me in this journey.

When I look at the idea of family, I think about the people who deeply care and know me and those who I deeply care and know about. November reminds me of family, a time to get together and share a meal and have some fun together. Family is an incredible gift, it’s not just the people in your biological family, but the relationships you have cultivated around you. I love playing with my nephew and niece, and I love being able to be that same fun person in the lives of everyone I know and care about.

I do this because as a Christ follower, the body of Christ is my family. I love the descriptions of the early church where followers of Christ would meet in homes and share a meal together.

Acts 2:42-45 says, “The believers studied what the apostles taught. They shared their lives together. They ate and prayed together. Everyone was amazed at what God was doing. They were amazed when the apostles performed many wonders and signs. All the believers were together. They shared everything they had. They sold property and other things they owned. They gave to anyone who needed something.”

Family cares for each other.

In my time working at Disney, I had to work over Thanksgiving. That is a classic theme park story, working on a holiday where you normally get to relax all day and eat. On this day I was scheduled to work most of the day, the best part was, I worked with some really great people. My goal was to make everyone feel loved, especially on that day, so my plan was to joke as much as possible. I wasn’t the only one who wanted to make the day fun, people brought snacks food, and plenty of shenanigans backstage.

Family cares for each other. When I look at the early church, I see this model of people coming together and knowing they are created by God, loving each other and caring for the real needs. That is family to me. I’m sure there may be strange family tensions or maybe your job uses the phrase “family” to work you to the bone, but this is not the family that God has given us with. God has given us people in our lives, biological and relational, that have grown with us and mentored us all throughout the journey of life. That is true family, and a family centered on Christ is beautiful.

Be thankful for your family and let them know.

God has placed the right people in our lives to encourage and empower us. We can be thankful for these people and the impact they have made on each of us. One of my favorite things to do, is when someone comes to my mind, I love to send a text and let them know they mean a lot to me. Simple ways to show the people that care about you can go a long way. It might be a text, or planning a dinner, it might even mean you put on your old shoes to play in the mud. Be thankful for the family in your life and let them know.

I’ve loved providing a journal prompt for your week, and this week, the prompt is simple. Write down the names of people in your family that you are thankful for and then let them know. It’s not a grand gesture that you have to do, but it’s important to be intentional with the people who have made an impact on your life. These people have invested in you and showed God’s love to you, by showing them the impact they have made, you can encourage and empower their own journey. Connect over a call or text, have a meal together, grab your old kicks and play pretend.

Be thankful for your family, God has blessed you more than you can imagine through relationships. It’s how God designed us to live, so care for each other and share with them how much they mean to you.

-Joshua Thomas

About the Author: Joshua Thomas is a writer by day and superhero by night. When he’s not writing and crimefighting, you can find him reading a good book, sipping warm tea, taking pictures, or dreaming. The young writer doesn’t fully know what he’s doing, but is enjoying the journey of it all. You can follow his hipster photos and Jack Kerouac musings on Instagram @joshua_thomas__

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